Discover the numbers up to 100 by having fun with 6 activities!
Selected by the AppStore as soon as it came out!
Used by teachers in their classes!
This app is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old. Older children can learn to recognize numbers in a foreign language. It was developed with the assistance of schoolteachers and inspired by the Montessori method.
The app is already available in 12 languages!
Children can play with numbers from 0 to 100:
- understand the ten- and one-places
- find a number in a series of digits
- recognize numbers written out
- recognize the pronunciation of numbers
- manipulate quantities with a set of beads
Up to 100 trains children in:
- visual and auditory recognition of numbers
- the concept of quantity with tens and units
The app is inspired by Montessori pedagogy by promoting the acquisition of abstract concepts using concrete manipulation.
This app has no advertising or in-app purchases. Useful information can be found in a Parents’ Corner.
Up to 100 is a Marbotic app, a publisher that designs and creates innovative educational solutions blending sensory material and digital interfaces.
A wooden toy, Smart Letters, that interacts with tablets can be used to play with the app and stimulate the child’s senses even further!
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